

A.情感限制B.行为限制C.职责限制D.伦理限制答案:A Psychological Counselors often appear in the consultation process a number of issues,the following exercises will certainly have to use your knowledge of the usual helpful:1. Seeking help and advice for teachers to establish a better "relationship",or out of gratitude or kindness consultant proposed additional requirements,such as eating,consultants should politely refuse. Limited point of view this is a matter of()。
A. Emotional limitations B. behavior restrictions C. responsibilities limit D. Ethical limits Answer:A 2.在一次咨询过程中,求助者表示由于下岗,心情很低落,焦躁不安。心理咨询师表示自己有个开公司的朋友,可以帮助求助者找份工作。这个咨询师()。
A.帮助了求助者解决了现实问题B.有利于建立正常的咨询关系C.超越了职责度D.有利于咨询双方的深入的情感沟通答案:C 2. In a consultation process,the callers said that since being laid off,feeling very depressed,restless. Psychologist said he had a friend start a company that can help job seekers find. The consultant()。
A. Helped seeking help solve practical problems B. consultation is conducive to the establishment of normal relations between Beyond the responsibilities of degrees C. D. beneficial to consult both the emotional depth of communication Answer:C来源:www.examda.com 3.心理咨询职业要求咨询师禁止与求助者在咨询室之外进行任何咨询活动属于()。
A.情感限制B.行为限制C.职责限制D.伦理限制答案:A 3. Psychological Consultation job requirements consultant is prohibited from seeking help outside the consulting room of any consultation activities are()。
A. Emotional limitations B. behavior restrictions C. responsibilities limit D. Ethical limits Answer:A 4.下列说法正确的是()。
A.与同性求助者之间的感情沟通可以不受限制B.咨询师不能对求助者产生任何感情C.咨询师与求助者的感情沟通必须达到一定的高度D.情感过度沟通会破坏咨询效果答案:D 4. The following statement is correct()。
A. affection between same-sex seekers unrestricted communication B. Consultant does not have any feelings of help-seekers C. consultant to communicate the feelings of the person seeking help must reach a certain height D. Excessive emotional communication will undermine the consultation results Answer:D来源:www.examda.com 5.在心理咨询中规定各种限制,不包括()。
A.心理咨询师责任的限制B.时间上的限制C.空间的限制D.方法的限制答案:D 5. Counseling provided for a variety of restrictions,does not include()。
A. psychologist LIMITATION OF LIABILITY B. the time constraints C. Space limitations D. Methods of restriction Answer:D